Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Aren’t We All Excited?
The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 might be unveiled today at IFA2012, the Berlin based event that opens to the press on 29th August 2012.
Samsung surprised everyone last year at IFA, when they announced the 5.3 inch Galaxy Note. This year, there are rumours that suggested the Note 2, and it features an even bigger display, (5.5 inch), using the Exynos Quad Core Processor clocked at 1.6Ghz. (The Samsung S3 uses the same processor at 1.4Ghz).
As for the OS (Operating System), some believes that it will feature the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, while others mention that it will ship with Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich.
Here’s a roundup of the leaked / rumoured information about the Note 2:
- 5.5 inch 1280×720 Display
- Super AMOLED panel
- powered by 1.4Ghz/1.6Ghz Quad Core Exynos 4412 Processor
- 16 or 32Gb Internal Storage
- 8 MP Camera

It was announced that the Samsung Note 2 will be available in South Korea, starting from today. There are also released dates for the European market.
Are we getting the Samsung Note 2 in Singapore soon? This weekend or next week?
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Yes, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 was unveiled at IFA2012
These are the reported specs of the new Note 2
- 1.6Ghz Quad Core Processor
- 2Gb Ram
- 5.55 inch HD Super AMOLED Display (1280×720)
- Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
- 8 MegaPixel Rear Camera
- 1.9 MegaPixel Front Camera
- 16/32/64GB Onboard User storage
- Supports microSD of Up to 64Gb !!
- 3100mAH Battery
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Release Date
Most countries (other than the US), are expected to see the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 at their stores in October 2012. (It was mentioned that our friends in the USA will get it “later in 2012“)
So what do you think? Are you ditching your iPhones OR even the Samsung S3 for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2? Or are you waiting for the iPhone 5 or iPad mini ?
Tell us what you think?

All Trademarks mentioned in the article belong to their respective owners and the Brand names are mentioned or included for identification purposes only.
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