The Traditional Chinese Lunar Calendar is associated with the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches.
The Heavenly Stems (天干)
The First Component of a Year’s Name are the Heavenly Stems which represents the Five Elements (Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth):
Heavenly Stem | Stem name | in Chinese | in pinyin |
1st heavenly stem | jia | 甲 | jiǎ |
2nd heavenly stem | yi | 乙 | yǐ |
3rd heavenly stem | bing | 丙 | bǐng |
4th heavenly stem | ding | 丁 | dīng |
5th heavenly stem | wu | 戊 | wù |
6th heavenly stem | ji | 己 | jǐ |
7th heavenly stem | geng | 庚 | gēng |
8th heavenly stem | xin | 辛 | xīn |
9th heavenly stem | ren | 壬 | rén |
10th heavenly stem | gui | 癸 | guǐ |
The Earthly Braches (地支)
The Second Compoent of the year’s name are the Earthly Branches which is associated with the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals
Earthly Branch | Branch name | in Chinese | in pinyin | Zodiac Animals |
1st earthly branch | zi | 子 | zǐ | Rat |
2nd earthly branch | chou | 丑 | chǒu | Ox |
3rd earthly branch | yin | 寅 | yín | Tiger |
4th earthly branch | mao | 卯 | mǎo | Rabbit |
5th earthly branch | chen | 辰 | chén | Dragon |
6th earthly branch | si | 巳 | sì | Snake |
7th earthly branch | wu | 午 | wǔ | Horse |
8th earthly branch | wei | 未 | wèi | Goat |
9th earthly branch | shen | 申 | shēn | Monkey |
10th earthly branch | you | 酉 | yǒu | Rooster |
11th earthly branch | xu | 戌 | xū | Dog |
12th earthly branch | hai | 亥 | hài | Boar |
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