Online Shopping Made Easy With Mobile Qoo10 Gmarket Singapore Shopping App
If you are an avid online shopper with Qoo10 Singapore (The New Gmarket), and if you are always on the move, you should check out the Qoo10 Gmarket Singapore Shopping App and enjoy similar deals and items you can find when you shop at Qoo10 Gmarket Singapore’s Online website.
Once you’ve loaded the app on your mobile device, you will be greeted with the “Today’s Special” front page, featuring many Great Deals for the day.
You can switch the front page’s view to check out other deals ie. Time Sale, Daily Deal, Deal Plus, Group Buys and many more, from the button on the top right hand corner of the screen.
At the bottom bar, there are other navigation options. When you are in the Bestsellers‘ page, you can switch the view of the seller’s products by changing the “View Type” to “List” or “Gallery”
You can search for items by typing in your Search words, or browse by categories, and also refine your search by clicking on the “Refine” button on the top right hand corner of the screen.
You can further sort the list of items by Price either in ascending or descending order.
There are many ongoing promotions and loads of items available in each category, with many pages of items for you to view.
Once you’ve found the item you want to purchase, add it to your Shopping Cart. You can continue shopping or “Go to the Cart” to proceed to payment page.
Similar to a traditional Supermarket, you can stuff your Shopping Cart with everything all you want, and you only pay for them when you go to the Check Out Counter.
Thus you can add the item to your “Cart”, and only pay when you confirm the order.
When you click on an item, you can go “Back” to your previous page by clicking on the “Back” button located on the top left corner of the screen. However, if you navigate away from the item list and click on other menu options, you might not be able to “go back” to the previous page or find the item you previously saw in the list (but did not click on it to check it out).
Here’s a tip :

When you see something that you might be interested in, click on the item first.
When you go to “My Page” at the bottom navigation bar later, you can just go to “Today’s View“, and all items that you’ve clicked on, will show up there.
But do take note that, once “Today” is over, the list is cleared!
Alternatively, you could add the item to your “Wish List“, and it would stay in the list for 3 months. (But 3 months later, the item might be sold out if it’s a Hot Item, so if you have to decide fast!)
Before you proceed to the payment page, do check out Qoo10 Gmarket Singapore’s website for any Discount Coupons you can find.
Some of them need a minimum purchase price, and some of them can be stacked with another Discount Coupon too!
There are many ongoing promotions and events that gives out the G Coupons. Take a look at Q Lounge or try your luck at Qchance to win yourself some Coupons too!
Go to Qoo10 Gmarket Singapore’s FUN Zone here to find out more.

If you are wondering what does the “Qpost” button do (at the bottom right of the screen), it is Qoo10 Gmarket Singapore’s own chat program for Free phone calls and GroupTalk.
Find Out More Here.
Enjoy your mobile Shopping experience with the Qoo10 Gmarket Singapore Shopping App, and do let us know if you find this App useful (or addictive!).
Leave your comments below, and you are welcomed to share this article with your friends via Facebook or Twitter.
Images in this article are used with Permission.
All Trademarks mentioned in the page belong to their respective owners and the Brand Names are mentioned for identification purposes only. is an independent website and is not associated with Giosis Gmarket International, Qoo10 Singapore, or Gmarket.
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newly added:
Tip#3: Exclusive Deals And Rewards For Mobile App Users
You might also be interested to know that there are exclusive deals and rewards only for the Mobile App user.
Check Out the Q-sale and Q-Chance option from the main page for more information.
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