If you are interested in DELL products during SITEX 2012, do check out what they have to offer in the flyer below.

Stand a chance to win a trip for 2 to New Zealand, The Hobbits movie tickets, movie premiums and other goodies when you purchase any Dell laptop or desktop at SITEX 2012
DELL SITEX 2012 Pricelist
(Main Booth: Hall 6, Booth 6D01)
(Click On Image For an Enlarged Version)
SITEX 2012 Details :
Date :
22nd to 25th November 2012
(Thursday to Sunday)
Time :
11am to 9pm Daily
Venue :
Singapore Expo
DELL products can be found at the following Booths :
- 6D01 (Hall 6)
- 5A28 (Hall 5)
- 5B10 (Hall 5)
All images are used with permission.
All Trademarks mentioned in the article belong to their respective owners and the Brand Names are mentioned for identification purposes only.
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